As I promised my students at Coronation and the folks on the German Renaissance Facebook page, I’ve made a short video of how to make do simple honeycomb pleatwork. This is made from the video I took while I was making the white apron with the 1″ pleats, so it’s quite easy and I was able to complete it in one hour.
Because I didn’t think anyone actually wanted to watch a one hour video, I sped up the sections on marking the dots, sewing the running stitches, and the actual pleating. But if you need to see something closer, you can pause the video. I recommend you also download the instructional booklet and use that in conjunction with this video. You’ll find the dot templates on the Patterns page.
I hope this little video allows many folks to create their own aprons! They are lots of fun to make and wear, and appropriate for many time periods and places.
Video Information: This video shows how do honeycomb smocking (a.k.a. pleatwork). Watch as I take a 55″ wide piece of linen, pleat it into 1″ folds, then create the honeycomb pattern. Add a strip of linen to the top and you have a functional, pretty apron completed in on hour. I’ve sped up most of the parts of the video for your sanity, but you can pause if you need to see something in detail. A downloadable booklet with step-by-step instructions on creating the honeycomb apron are at, as are dot templates ranging from one inch (very large) down to 1/4 inch (small). German Renaissance music pieces performed by Jim Sayles and used here with permission — see Video Length: 7:04
Hi again….any evidence of aprons in colors other than white? How about a smocked apron in black for a Trossfrau?
So very sorry I missed this note! Yes, there is evidence of colors other than white in the Textiler Hausrat: Kleidung und Haustextilien in Nürnberg von 1500-1650, which examined various inventories. Specifically, the book states about aprons (Schurz) this: “The known colors were restricted to, almost without exception, to white, red and black. In 1537 the wife of the deceased cabinetmaker, Hans Pockel, possessed as some of her most valuable pieces, value of 3/4 gulden, a black, pleated apron, in addition, 1 red wammesin Ladyís apron (Frauenschurz) valued at 1 and a half gulden, 1 red apron at seven pounds as well as 1 cropped old furred apron with an edging valued at 1 gulden. Two “dance aprons for city hall” were listed in the dowry of a Patrican daughter, Anna Kress, and also Ursula Holzschuer bequeathed in her estate as valuables, according to the costly executions, embroideries and gold borders:
2 black and one green apron
1 black Schetter (dress weight linen) apron with a Sammaten (silk) koderlein
1 green apron
1 black apron with a golden bag
1 red wammasin apron with gold work
1 red wammasin apron worked with white silk
1 red-colored apron
1 white wammasin apron with a false seam (waistband)
1 white wammasin apron
5 white aprons”
Thank you so much for this video. I attended your class at Pennsic but was not a lucky one to get class materials but I did get your very through handout. I am in the process of making my apron now. It is so easy!
Wonderful! I am happy you found the video and are making an apron. I would love to see a photo of it when it is finished. Do let me know if you have any questions. 🙂
I am entering a 1515 Plum Wool Gown in a Kingdom Art/Sci this weekend and would like to print a couple of your pages as a documentation of “Finishing the Look” and as a source for my glossary. Can I have your permission to do so?