Pleatwork Reference Works

The following are works that I reference in my research and documentation on pleatwork:


Arnold, Janet, Jenny Tiramani, and Santina M. Levey. Patterns of Fashion 4: The Cut and Construction of Linen Shirts, Smocks, Neckwear, Headwear and Accessories for Men and Women C.1540-1660. Hollywood, CA: Quite Specific Media Group, 2008. Print.

Boltraffio, Giovanni Antonio. Portrait of a Young Man as Saint Sebastian. Late 1490s. Oil on canvas. Pushkin Museum, Moscow. Web. 27 Jan 2014.

Dürer, Albrecht. Selbstporträt. 1498. Color on wood. Museo Nacional Del Prado, Madrid. Google Earth. Web. 21 April 2015. <>, <,_by_Albrecht_D%C3%BCrer,_from_Prado_in_Google_Earth.jpg>.

Ember, Mária. Folia Archaeologica. Vol. XIV. Trans. Julia Palotay Szent-Györgyi. Budapest: Képzõvûvészeti Alap Kiadóvállalata, 1962. 133-150. Print.

Fingerlin, Ilse. Leder und TextilFund, Alpirsbach Zur Geschichte von Kloster und Stadt.Herausgegeben vom Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg. 2 Textbändeund 1 Bildband. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss Verlag, 2001. Stuttgart: Theiss. Print.

Guhnfeldt, Cato. “Slik Var Klærne I Middelalderen.” Aftenposten. Aftenposten, 3 Apr. 2007. Web. 21 April 2015. <>

Hägg, Inga. Kvinnodräkten I Birka: Livplaggens Rekonstruktion På Grundval Av Det Arkeologiska Materialet. Uppsala: Inst. F. Arkeologi, 1974. Print.

Holbein, Ambrosius. Portrait of a Young Man, 1518. Color on wood. Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg. Web. 21 April 2015. <>

Kusmin, Sara. Fragment Av Textil. 1250. Photograph. Statens Historika Museum, Lödöse, Sweden. Kringla. 10 May 2010. Web. 21 April 2015. <>

Holbein, Hans. Diptychon (Doppelporträt) des Bürgermeisters Jakob Meyer und seiner Gattin Dorothea Kannengießer, 1516. Color on wood. Kunstmuseum, Basel. Web. 21 April 2015. <>

Nutz, Beatrix. “How to Pleat a Shirt in the 15th Century.” Archaeological Textiles Review 54 (2012): 79-91. Print. Web. 21 April 2015 <>

Posavad, Lee Ann. Cut and Construction of the Pleatwork Shirt. Pleatwork Embroidery. 1 May 2004. Web. 21 April 2015. <>.

Rast-Eicher, Antoinette and Tidow, Klaus. “Die Ausgrabungen im Mühlberg-Ensemble Kempten (Allgäu):  Metall, Holz und Texil.” Bonn: Habett. 2011. 285-351. Print.

“Costume in New Kingdom Egypt.” Civilizations of the Ancient Near East. Ed. Jack M. Sasson. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1995. World History in Context. Web. 28 May 2015.

Zander-Seidel, Jutta. Textiler Hausrat: Kleidung Und Haustextilien in Nürnberg Von 1500-1650. München: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1990. 72-75. Print.

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